“(Un)objectively” Rachelle Bussiéres

Rooted in both photography and sculpture, Rachelle Bussières’s practice revolves around the interaction of mediums, with each work becoming the product of a synergistic approach. Her recent lumen prints* track the subtle but precise movement of assembled objects, light sources, and even the artist’s hand, which becomes a tool for controlling light exposure to the photographic paper. “I seek to generate new ways of seeing, challenge our beliefs of perception, and draw attention to the ways in which light and shadow sculpt new optical space,” Bussières says. “The final works represent a sort of performance in and of themselves—the space between what can be known and what can be seen.”

* A lumen print is essentially a photogram – a camera-less process involving black and white photographic paper, a subject matter and a light source.

Words and images via Penumbra Foundation NYC